What is a soul? Where does it go after it departs this world? Do Jews believe in heaven and hell? Can souls communicate with us from the afterlife? How does reincarnation work? Journey of the Soul explores the mysteries surrounding the spiritual dimension of our existence—our destiny that continues even after we've shed our earth-bound body suit. We examine the transition of the soul into the hereafter, the kinds of legacies that are valued even after we've forsaken this earthly existence, and the accompanying emotional journey and rituals that help the soul and those closest to it prepare for its new reality.
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Give your Judaism the intellection it deserves as you discuss and debate the most quizzical, controversial, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice.
No religion is known for its rational basis and its welcoming of questions and intellectual debate quite like Judaism. As Jews we understand that curiosity is the greatest impetus for learning, and that our propensity to question is what propels us to constantly explore new ideas and discover new insights. Nowhere is this more apparent than in The Jewish Course of Why.
In preparing for this course, we asked 30,000 people for their biggest questions about Judaism. We selected the most popular among them and addressed each one with resonant insights from the greatest minds in Jewish history.
The Jewish Course of Why spans a diverse range of topics, from fun, light, and off-the-beaten-track questions, to more complex and controversial issues. Ever wondered why there are so many Jews in Hollywood? Why Jews eat gefilte fish and cholent and wish each other mazal tov and l'chaim? Why the Bible sanctions slavery and animal sacrifices? What is the cause of antisemitism? What does Judaism say about Christianity? About the role of women in Jewish life? You will also gain insight into mysterious Jewish practices, strange biblical narratives, and enigmas of Jewish identity.
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When you experience burnout, Nothing ought to be more important to us than our personal values—the treasured traits that guide our lives. In Strength and Struggle we unlock the secrets of great character by exploring some of the most dramatic narratives and inspiring personalities in all of history. Set in the midst of our nation’s formative years, an era in which our ancestors fought to carve out a civilization among hostile neighbors, these thrilling tales of judges, kings, and prophets reach into the essence of the human condition. Their heroes and antiheroes teach us eternal lessons of struggle and triumph, courage and humility, hope and resilience. You will walk away from this course with an enhanced knowledge of the books of the Prophets and the dramatic events that comprise a significant portion of our nation’s history. You will have gained an opportunity to think deeply about yourself and the values that are most important to you. And more importantly, you will be a stronger person, empowered by its lessons to overcome—and even grow from—the challenges that life throws your way.
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JLI - Strength and Struggle #1 JLI - Strength and Struggle #2 JLI - Strength and Struggle #3 JLI - Strength and Struggle #4 |